1、 郑州公司注册、香港公司注册、海外公司、外商独资注册、商标注册
2、 郑州代理记帐、报税、整理旧帐、财务审计
3、 郑州协助申请一般纳税人的资格认定、转正
4、 郑州协助解决税务局对公司的查帐及所得税汇算清缴、审计报告
5、 郑州免费财务咨询、评估,代理进出口退税业务
6、 郑州代办企业年检、变更、延期、注销
7、 郑州增减资金,出具验资报告、评估报告
8、 郑州所有与财务、税务、工商有关的服务
联系人:杨经理13838124998 客服投诉专线:18637182063 商务:QQ :345167551
详情请访问公司官网 http://www.hkchuanghe.com/
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Notice: The content of the above works (including video, pictures or audio) is uploaded and published by GuTon's enterprise users, and this platform only provides information storage space services.
Notice: The content of the above works (including video, pictures or audio) is uploaded and published by GuTon's enterprise users, and this platform only provides information storage space services.